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Lee Haney Arm Workout
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Lee Haney arm routine
Lee Haney is a true southern gentlemen and in my option the last great classic bodybuilding champion.
Not only did Lee win the IFBB Mr. Olympia contest eight times in a row beating Arnold Schwarzenegger's record of seven times Mr. Olympia, but he improved each and every year coming in heavier and more ripped without making his waist get bloated or even the least bit bigger.
At 5 foot 11 inches tall he would compete at 250. He had massive arms along with a tiny waist that is no longer seen today.
So how did Lee Haney train for such massive arm size?
Lee was an old school trainer who believed in working arms at least twice a week with a lot of training volume.
He would do reps ranges of 6 to 8 for mass and power and going as high as 12 to 15 on some exercises for a maximum pump.
His favorite biceps exercises were Barbell Curls, Incline Dumbbell Curls and Concentration Curls.
And his favorite triceps exercises were Cable Triceps Pushdowns, Lying Triceps Press and One-Arm Dumbbell Extensions.
For more information go to Old School Arm Training
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