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Mohamed Makkawy Arm Workout
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What was Mohamed Makkawy's workout routine?
Mohamed Makkawy, a Mr. Egypt winner, moved up to win the Mr. Universe and had a well developed physique, but he wanted more so he went to Vince Gironda for some specialized training. Vince considered Makkawy one of his two best students (the other was Larry Scott) and trained him hard. Makkawy was short but had huge, muscular and razor cut arms. Vince's training made them even more so.
Gironda's training style for Makkawy was a deliberate movement style, with a type of pre-exhaust approach in that Vince placed the isolation, single arm work before the barbell work. And with the triceps, Vince had Makkawy use the kickbacks first, an unusual approach since most lifters place the kickbacks at the end of a triceps routine. Gironda's training obviously worked as Makkaway went on to finish second twice in the Mr. Olympia contests.
Triceps - Kickbacks, 90 Degree Cradle bench rope pulley, Close Grip Bench Press and Nautilus Triceps Pushdown.
Biceps - Dumbbell Preacher Bench Curl, Alternate Incline Bench Curl, Spyder Bench Curl and Concentration Short Range Pulley Curl.
Forearms - Decline Wrist Curl, Reverse Barbell Curl and Zottman Curl.
For more information go to Old School Arm Training
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