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Samir Bannout Arm Workout
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What was Samir Bannout's arm training routine?
Samir Bannout who was born on November 7, 1955 in Beirut, Lebanon has made an enormous contribution to the sport of bodybuilding. Competing competitively as a bodybuilder for 34 years he is the only bodybuilder who has competed so many times and for so long.
He first got his pro-card when he won Mr. Michigan and later the IFBB Amateur Champs in 1978. He quickly got the nickname of "the Lion of Lebanon".
Although Samir officially retired in 1996 after he placed 6th at the IFBB Masters Olympia he did compete again at the 2011 IFBB Pro World Masters Championships. He won Mr. Olympia once in 1983 and left behind the Christmas tree effect that will stay with all competitive bodybuilders as the ultimate in lumbar development.
Weighing in at around 210 pounds and ripped to shreds he was always able to show a very well balanced physique that would be backed up with huge 20 inch arms. He is on record as saying that the only way to train for muscle to is to train with your heart and not because you have to or want to.
He strongly believes in instinctive training and will change exercises, sets, reps, etc. from day to day at the gym.
For triceps his favorite exercises included dips, overhead extensions and dumbbell kickbacks.
For biceps he liked barbell curls, cable curls and concentration curls.
For more information go to Old School Arm Training
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